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Contact Us

China Toll Free: Tel:+86-400-658-3933 +86-132-625-99339

UK:Tel:+44-20-7586 8010


  15 floor,25 floor,BaoAn Tower,No.800 Dongfang Road,Shanghai.China

  • Headquarters
  • Active
  • Passive
  • Domestic
  • Import
  • European Authorised...
  • Customer Service...

    Headquarters: Jiushun Enterprise Management

    Tel:+86-21-5860 0065,5885 9994

    Fax:+86-21-5885 7798

    Add:15 Floor, Xingyu Building, No.1, Lane 1695, Pudong Avenue, Shanghai, China.


    Medical Certification Department (Active)

    Tel:+86-21-5885 1384


    Medical Certification Department (Passive)

    Tel:+86-21-5093 8022


    Medical Registration Department (Domestic)



    Medical Registration Department (Import)

    Tel:+86-21-5093 8022 ,5885 1384

    Email:sc6@isosh.com ,sc3@isosh.com

    European Authorised Representative Department

    Tel:+86-21-50931959 , 20220658

    Email:lotus889@isosh.com ,lotus882@isosh.com

    Customer Service and Complain Department

    Tel:+86-21-5860 0065


To receive a free evaluation or free on-site diagnostic service from our experts, please provide the following information:
"Company name, address, website address, contact name, fixed telephone, mobile phone number, email address, product name, handling matter".
Message headers: "Free evaluation or free on-site diagnostic services"
send to: sfm@isosh.com
support hotline:132-625-99339
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Due to the busy work of the experts, incomplete information will not provide free services
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